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Birchwood Glen Owners Corporation
A Cooperative Community

2024 Spring / Summer Update

Spring is here, outdoor work for our maintenance crew has started along with the buzz of mowers provided by our landscaper. The pool will open for weekend use starting May 25 and continuing until June 29 when 'everyday' operation starts. Birchwood is at it's best in summer with foliage in full bloom thanks to Mother Nature and all of our resident, weekend gardeners. 

We all want to enjoy summer, however since we live in close proximity to others there are a few things to consider. We need to be mindful of our neighbors, when it comes to smoking. Please remember that Suffolk County law mandates that outdoor smoking should only be taking place at least 50 feet from operable doors and windows. There is to be no smoking on terraces or patios. In summer when it is common for people to have windows open, please take that into consideration when smoking outside. Courtesy should also be observed when smoking inside as well. While there is no law preventing smoking indoors, the house rules of Birchwood Glen state that it is the responsibility of the shareholder to control odors of any kind that emanate from a given unit. This basically means that if an odor coming from a particular unit is offensive to surrounding units, the unit owner causing the odor must take measures to prevent the spread of the odor. Such measures may include caulking, or sealing of inadvertent openings between units and/or the use of an air purification device.  


All text, photographs, accounts and descriptions are the property of Birchwood Glen Owners Corporation and are not to be reproduced without the express written consent of the owner.